Thursday, August 30, 2007

Almost There-

Hi All! We are so close to being done. All that is left is adding fill, grading and sodding the spots in the yard that we are building up, running electricity around and bulding the bar. For all practical purposes we can enjoy the fruits of Chad's labor now. He worked so incredibly hard on this project and it is absolutely everything we thought it would be and more (and it's not even 100% complete).

Hope you all have a safe Holiday, feel free to stop by for a cocktail or a siesta! We plan to be home most of the weekend doing yard work.

I will leave you will some parting pics - and probably won't post another update until it is 100% complete.
I had a Zen moment out there last night


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tiki Hut Complete

These are the brick pavers that will be the patio floor and new sidewalk. Chad is working on this as I type.

While the project isn't done a major part of it is....the Palapa!

I can tell you that I am ready to have my yard back together. It won't be long, everything is progressing a lot quicker than I thought. Probably not quick enough for Chad. I know he was a bit stressed with the directions for the palapa - the paper directions and the video directions were not the same - and were quite vague. He's made several calls to Juan in San Diego and sometimes Juan doesn't answer his cell....LOL.

He figured it out though - just as he always does. The palapa turned out great!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Today the Tiki Hut arrived in many pieces!!!

We made the purchase of the pavers today around 11am and at 12:30pm the Tiki Hut Arrived via Semi. The instructions are on a VHS tape...we do not have a VCR.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

More Work

The prep work is done, a truck load of rock was dumped off the AM and Chad has started doing the forms. Hopefully the forms will get finished tomorrow and rock start getting dispursed.

An important accessory to the Tiki Hut was purchased yesterday

More to come soon.....